Biological Sciences - PJSIR
<p><strong>AIMS & </strong><strong>S</strong><strong>COPE</strong></p> <p>Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research ( PJSIR ) was started in 1958 to disseminate research results based on the utilization of locally available raw materials leading to the production of goods to cater to the national requirements and to promote S & T in the country. Over the past years, the journal has conveyed high-quality original research results in both basic and applied research in Pakistan. A great number of major achievements in Pakistan were first disseminated to the outside world through PJSIR.</p> <p>It is a peer reviewed journal and published in both print and electronic form. Original research articles, review articles, and short communications from varied key scientific disciplines are accepted however, papers on Pure Mathematics, Computer Sciences, and Medical Sciences are not entertained.</p> <p>From 54th Volume in 2011, it has been bifurcated into Series A: Physical Sciences & Series B: Biological Sciences. Each series appears three times in a year as follows:</p> <p>Physical Sciences in January-April, May-August, and September-December issues. It includes research related to Natural Sciences, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Geography, Physics, Polymer Sciences and Technology.</p> <p>Biological Sciences in January-April, May-August, and September-December issues. Papers included in this series are from Agriculture, Agronomy, Botany, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Food Sciences, Genetic Engineering, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Microbiology, Marine Sciences, Soil Sciences, Tissue Culture, Zoology and Technology.</p> <p>Due to many global issues, we are encouraging contributions from scientists and researchers from all across the globe with the sole purpose of serving the scientific community worldwide on the whole and particularly for our region and third-world countries.</p>PCSIR-Scientific Information Center - Ministry Science and Technologyen-USBiological Sciences - PJSIR2221-6421Antibacterial Activity of Acacia nilotica Flower, Bark and Root Extracts
<p><em>Acacia nilotica </em>(<em>A. nilotica</em>) is an important medicinal plant and used for various diseases including diarrhea, dysentery, leprosy, cancers, ulcer, diabetes, diuretic, intestinal pains, cold, congestion, coughs, fever, hemorrhages and leucorrhea. Keeping in view the medicinal importance of this plant, flower, bark and root chloroform (CHCl3), n-hexane (n-Hex), ethyl acetate (ETAC) and methanol (MeOH), the twelve extracts were prepared and evaluated for antibacterial potential by well diffusion method. Our results confirmed the susceptibility of bacteria i.e. <em>Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), Bacillus cereus (B. cereus), Escherichia coli (E. coli) </em>and <em>Salmonella enterica (S. enterica) </em>against prepared extracts in concentration dependent manners with zone of inhibition (ZoI) ranging from 0.31-5.22 mm at 40 mg/mL. Interestingly, all prepared extracts showed antibacterial activity at both tested concentrations (20 and 40 mg/mL), except flower CHCl3 against <em>S. aureus </em>at 20 mg/mL. Comparatively, flower ETAC extract showed highest ZoI against all bacteria, expressing its antibacterial potential for future applications.</p> <p> </p>Madiha KanwalAnser AliAneeqa SharifHuma Khurshid
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2025-03-122025-03-1268117Diversity of Spice Plants, Their Use and Function as Additive in Traditional Ethiopian Gastronomies and Culinary Recipes
<p>Plants used as spices and condiments have historically been added to food for their natural flavouring, aroma and aesthetic appeal as well as for preservation. The traditional plant markets provide these plants with little to no processing for public usage and provide additional household income. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the types of spice and condiment plants used in Ethiopia's traditional ethnic foods and beverages. After obtaining verbal prior informed consent, a series of semi- structured interviews with spice crop collectors, vendors and users were held in the neighbourhood spice markets of Boditi and Bedessa. A total of 29 different types of spice crops were discovered, belonging to 13 different families. The maximum number of spices were identified in the Boditi local market and had a maximum similarity with Bedessa. The maximum number of spices were belonging to Lamiaceae, Zingiberaceae and Apiaceae families. The majority of the plants sold in the markets were under cultivation. Herbs were the most widely used spices followed by shrubs and climbers. Fresh and leafy herbaceous species were the most prepared used forms of spices. Flavouring and seasoning were top-ranked use categories. <em>Allium sativum </em>L. had the highest index measuring cultural importance out of all the relevant species that were chosen. The current study found that indigenous people know how to use plants as spices and condiments in traditional foods and beverages in Damot Woyde and Damot Gale District, Wolaita, Ethiopia. It is therefore hoped that the knowledge presented in this paper will be useful in subsequent ethnobotanical and ecosystem management studies of the area.</p> <p> </p>Abenezer WendimuWondimagegnehu TekalignAbrham ShumbuloElias BojagoYitbarek Abrham
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2025-03-122025-03-12681823Role of Calcium Chloride in Ameliorating the Growth of Vicia faba Plants Under Drought Stress
<p> </p> <p>This study was carried out to throw a beam of light on the role of CaCl2 application to ameliorate the growth and phenotypic traits of broad bean plants under drought stress. Decreasing water holding capacity (WHC) significantly reduced fresh and dry biomass, leaf relative water content, shoot, root lengths and leaf area. This reduction was associated with significant decline of chlorophylls concentration (Chl. a, Chl. b), quantum yield of photosynthetic system II (Fv/Fm), nutrient elements and growth hormones content. On the contrary, there was a significant increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) and abscisic acid (ABA) contents. Moreover, superoxide dismutase(SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities were significantly increased compared to well-water plants. Irrigation with 50 mM CaCl2 significantly enhanced the eliminating and scavenging of generate ROS beside increased the nutrient elements and growth hormones content of drought stressed plants in comparison to those in absence of CaCl2.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>Mabroka Hemada MostafaHala Ezzat MohamedRabha Buhwish HamadNabil El-Sayed Saber
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2025-03-122025-03-126812433Assessment of Floristic Composition of Ornamental Plants and Their Production Conditions in Benin (West Africa): Highlights Ornamentals' Role to Bolster Ecological Conservation and Urban Greening
<p>This study characterizes ornamental plant sites in Benin, acknowledging horticultural role in Urban Greenery. Surveying 136 sites revealed 175 species from 139 genera and 56 families. Dominant families like Asparagaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Apocynaceae and Araceae showcased rich botanical diversity. Key species, including <em>Gerbera garvinea </em>and <em>Delonix regia </em>were noted. Analyses highlighted prevalent nano-phanerophyte and micro-phanerophyte life forms, indicating a preference for perennial plants. Chorological analysis emphasized pantropical and Afro-malagasy species dominance. Numeric classification revealed three site groups based on richness, age and area. These groups showcased species' richness ranging from 112 to 141. Diversity measures emphasized substantial ornamental diversity. These sites significantly contribute to biodiversity, necessitating strategic valorization plans. This study provides groundwork for economic potential exploration and ethnobotanical insights in ornamental plant production, which is essential for conservation and urban development.</p> <p> </p>Memonsso Pierrette Pauline DeguenonGbodja Houéhanou François GbessoAbdel Aziz OsseniArlette AdjatinAgossou Bruno Djossa
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2025-03-122025-03-126813442Evaluating the Effect of Different Compost Types on Wheat Seedling Growth
<p>Compost production is considered an economical and environmentally friendly means to reduce solid waste. The use of compost in crop production practices, enhances crop growth, improves soil nutrient profile and reduces the environmental pollution caused by the extensive use of mineral fertilizers. This study was planned to check the effect of various compost types on wheat seedling growth. The experiment was laid under CRD in a factorial arrangement. The pots were filled with 500 g sand and six types of compost were added in pots at 25:75 of compost and sand, respectively. The results showed significant differences among the compost treatments for the shoot length, root length, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root fresh weight and root dry weight. The maximum shoot length (20.66 cm) was observed under T4 (anaerobic composting) of cow manure : wheat straw (3:1). The maximum root fresh weight, (3.76 g) and shoot dry weight (2.27 g) was recorded under T1 (anaerobic composting of cow manure : wheat straw (1:3)). The maximum root length (4.6 cm), root fresh weight (2.37 g) and root dry weight (1.25 g) was recorded under T2 (anaerobic composting of cow manure : wheat straw (1:1). Our results showed that the growth of wheat seedling was more on the compost produced under anaerobic conditions compared to the compost under aerobic conditions. We conclude that the application of compost has potential to fulfill the nutritional demand of wheat plants, enhance the wheat growth and reduce the environmental pollution caused by the extensive use of inorganic fertilizer.</p> <p> </p>Nida FatimaGhulam JilaniMuhammad Arslan KhalidArshad Nawaz ChaudharyTajwar Alam
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2025-03-122025-03-126814347Growth Studies of Potential Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cereal - Based Substrates
<p>In this study, the growth of three lactic acid bacteria in cereal substrates of maize, sorghum and malt were evaluated. Molecular analysis was used to characterize the organisms and their probiotic abilities ascertained. After 48 h of fermentation, the viable counts revealed that <em>L. fermentum </em>had a count of 6.21 log Cfu/mL, <em>L. plantarum </em>had a count of 6.62 Cfu/mL and <em>L. nantensis </em>had a count of 7.51 Cfu/mL in maize substrate. The counts for <em>L. fermentum</em>, <em>L. plantarum </em>and <em>L. nantensis </em>in the sorghum substrate were 4.66, 8.77 and 9.36 log Cfu/mL respectively, whereas the viable counts for malt fermentation were 8.05, 8.92 and 9.42 log Cfu/mL for <em>L. fermentum</em>, <em>L. plantarum </em>and <em>L. nantensis</em>, respectively. This research therefore suggests that cereals (maize, sorghum and malt) are suitable for the growth of the three probiotic strains being <em>L. fermentum, L. plantarum </em>and <em>L. nantensis</em>.</p> <p> </p>Chinedu Godspower OhaegbuAnayochukwu Chibuike NgeneObinna E. NnochiriEmmanuel Gideon IduOme Kalu Achi
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2025-03-122025-03-126814858COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comprehensive Review of Pathogenesis, Variants Virology, Therapeutic Strategies and Impact on Cancer
<p>The current COVID-19 outbreak poses the most significant global threat with unknown long- term and short-term consequences on the economy, public health and related healthcare sectors. SARS- CoV-2 is highly infectious and controlled measures in distancing socially and through sterilization must be sustained to neutralize the viral load especially in high risk areas. Now, the world is facing a new threat in the form of a novel Omicron variant of COVID-19 recently detected in Britain which was found to link to travel to southern Africa and was initially named B.1.1.529. This newly identified variant, a highly mutated variant that might be able to escape from vaccines was first identified in Botswana. This comprehensive review will provide the pathophysiological basis of coronavirus, vaccination status, virus strain variation and molecular basis of a virus to shed a detailed spread of the omicron strain that poses a global threat. The virulent nature of the virus and the emergence of new deadly strains led to the development of therapeutic strategies by understanding the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2. Globally, therapeutic management strategies are needed as they provide crucial knowledge for developing rapid diagnostics and treatment options that serve as major interventions for infection control management.</p> <p> </p>Asma KhurshidOmema Ahmed Nida SultanAthar AzizRashid Amin
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2025-03-122025-03-126815970Bacterial Amylase Production and its Application as a Detergent Additive
<p>Microbial amylase is one of the most significant industrial enzymes utilized in the brewing, baking, washing and textile sectors. In the current study, the rhizospheric soil micro-organisms were examined for their capacity to produce amylase and effort made to isolate thermostable amylase enzymes that could be employed as a detergent addition and stable at high pH levels. Banana, Neem and Pomegranate plant soil rhizospheres which is yielded a total of 84 bacterial isolates. Out of these, 21% of the bacteria produce the amylase. In the investigation, <em>Bacillus </em>made up the bulk of the isolates. Additionally, the amylase activity measured at different media pH and temperatures and isolated from <em>Bacillus </em>showed great stability at alkaline pH and thermal stability upto 60 °C and might be used as a detergent component in the detergent industry. They also had a high potential for removing starch stains.</p> <p> </p>Saima TauseefErum Asgher AliMunazza AjazFarah TauseefKaiynat SiddiquiTabbassum Kiran
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2025-03-122025-03-126817177Nutritional Analysis of Bakery Products Made From Broken Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
<p>The study aimed at examining the nutritional analysis of broken rice (<em>Oryza sativa </em>L.) and bakery products made from it. In current project basmati broken rice was used. Some of the broken rice was used for the nutritional analysis, while rest was ground in the fine rice flour for making biscuits and pancakes. Nutritional analysis showed that the biscuits made with rice flour were rich in protein, fat, fibre and total carbohydrates content, while pancakes made with rice flour was rich in moisture, fat and energy in calorie content. Therefore, we can use broken rice with a mixture of other flours for making bakery products because of their fine taste and gluten free properties.</p> <p> </p>Sadaf Gull Hannan Mukhtar Saima Nazir Areesha NadeemMaira Ali Sana Khalid
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2025-03-122025-03-126817883Comparative Pharmacognostic and Pharmacological Profiling of Honey Obtained from Different Plant Sources
<p>Honey is natural biological sweet drug formed from the combination of plant pollen, nectar and the secretion of honey bees' body. In the present study eleven samples of honey (<em>Robinia pseudoacacia, Eriobotrya japonica, Justacia adhatoda, Zizyphus jujuba, Calathea allouia, Punica granatum, Otostegia limbata, Accasia modesta, Thymus seralis, Citrus sinensis </em>and <em>Trifolium resupinatum</em>) from different plant sources were collected from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The honey samples were tested for physical and chemical parameter including hydroxy methyl furfuryl <strong>(</strong>HMF) test, pH, moisture content, acidity, electrical conductivity and pollen analysis. Various ranges including pH (3.43-6.00), moisture content (1.89-3.73%), EC (0.36-2.91 µSicm) and acidity (0.345-2.42 meqiKg) has been recorded. HMF result was tested for adulteration and the purest honey recorded was <em>Eriobotrya japonica</em>, <em>Justacia adhatoda</em>, <em>Trifolium resupinatum</em>. Samples of honey contained pollen from seventeen different species, most of which belonging to the Fabaceae family and included unifloral and polyfolral honey. Honey samples tested for antibacterial potential against <em>Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi </em>and <em>Pseudomonas aeroginosa </em>showed significant potential against <em>P. granatum </em>and <em>E.coli</em>. Antifungal potency of honey against different fungal strains <em>Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus, Fusarium oxysporum </em>and <em>Alternaria alternate </em>showed that the multifolral honey was highly effective against the afore mentioned fungal species. The honey obtained from <em>Accasia modesta </em>shown high effectiveness against the fungus <em>F. oxysporum</em>. In conclusion, the physio-chemical characteristics and pharmacognostic advantages of honey derived from various plant sources showed varied features. More recommendations citing the physio-chemical and antibacterial properties of various honeys for health advantages.</p> <p> </p>Barkatullah KhanSaira Faiz Shah Khalid Sami UllahMuhammad Nafees
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2025-03-122025-03-126818498Efficacy of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) Gel Edible Coatings on Quality Characteristics of Tomato Fruit During Postharvest Storage
<p>Tomato fruit is prone to perishability with a shorter shelf-life owing to higher moisture content. The technique of coating edible <em>Aloe vera </em>(<em>AV</em>) gel on tomato fruit proposes the prospect of adding an antioxidant rich un-conventional ingredient in culinary applications alongside an extension of the shelf life of fruit to minimize its commercial losses. The present study investigated the efficacy of <em>Aloe vera </em>(<em>Aloe barbadensis </em>Miller) gel coatings in extending the physiological shelf life of tomato fruit during twenty one days of storage at ambient temperature (24 °C ± 2). A total of three (03) <em>Aloe vera </em>gel concentrations <em>i.e</em>., 3, 6 and 9% were prepared and assessed for coating quality characteristics <em>i.e</em>., pH, total solids %, viscosity (cp), drying time (min) and coating weight (g). Moreover, <em>AV </em>gel concentrations were coated on tomato fruits to examine postharvest quality characteristics <em>i.e</em>., decay %, pH value, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity %, sugar-acid (SA) ratio, weight loss %, moisture %, ash %, fibre</p> <p>%, carbohydrate % and vitamin C mg/100g after an interval of every 07 days during the storage period however uncoated tomato fruits were served as control. The results revealed that <em>AV </em>gel concentrations showed significant differences (P < 0.05) in coating quality characteristics. Results further revealed that tomato fruits coated with 6% <em>AV </em>gel maintained postharvest quality characteristics followed by 9% and 3% <em>AV </em>gel. It was further noticed that tomato fruits coated with <em>AV </em>gel notably maintained postharvest quality characteristics during the storage period in comparison to uncoated (control) fruits. The overall findings suggest that using 6% <em>AV </em>gel as edible coatings at ambient temperature (24 °C ± 2) may delay fruit ripening and extend the storage life of tomato fruit.</p> <p> </p>Fareed AhmedAsadullah MarriKhalil Ahmed Solangi Nida ShaikhAsif Irshad
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2025-03-122025-03-1268199108Phytochemical Screening of Metabolites in the Testa of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Extract, Mung Beans (Vigna radiata) Extract, Red Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) Extract and Congo Beans (Cajanus cajan)
<p>Phytochemical screening of metabolites was conducted to find out the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols and tannins in the testa of peanut extract of (<em>Arachis hypogaea</em>), mung beans and also (<em>Vigna </em><em>radiata</em>), red beans (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em>) and congo beans (<em>Cajanus cajan</em>) through phytochemical screening. The samples were subjected to various tests Bate-smith and Metcalf method for flavonoids, ferric chloride test for polyphenols, Mayer's test for alkaloids and gelatin test for tannins. The results show that all four samples yielded a positive (+) result for the presence of flavonoids, polyphenols and alkaloids. However, test results for tannins yield a negative results and needs further confirmatory evaluation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of these samples as ingredients for various food products may be highly useful to the food processing industry. It is hereby recommended that more parallel studies focusing on the nutritional value of these samples be done complementing the results of this particular research which may be utilized as a baseline data.</p> <p> </p>Raymund B. MorenoNick John B. Solar
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2025-03-122025-03-12681109116Fatty Acids Composition of Migrated Seabirds to the Coastline of Pakistan as Top Predators to Impact Ecosystem Variability
<p>The availability of fat-rich food is a critical factor for the seabird's migration. Certain fatty acids are significant determining factors for environmental health and act as energy reserves for long distant seabird migration. Qualitative analysis for fatty acid composition in <em>Larus fuscus, Larus ridibundus </em>and <em>Hydroprogne caspia, </em>found significantly different for most of the fatty acids. The average fat contents of <em>fuscus, L. ridibundus </em>and <em>H. caspia </em>were 23.57±1.82%, 19.71±2.75% and 33.58±0.08%, respectively. This study suggests that mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) (43.49-48.07%) were predominantly higher than saturated (SFA) (32.88-39.89%) and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (14.1-16.22%). Palmitic acid and stearic acid constituted > 75%. The dietary fatty acid oleic acid (C18:1n9) was most abundant with 32-34%. The <em>m</em>-3/<em>m</em>-6 ratio was less than 1, indicating these sea birds as a substantial source of <em>m</em>-6 fatty acids. Linoleic acid (C18:2<em>m</em>6) as major <em>m</em>-6 fatty acid in <em>L. fuscus </em>(7.44%), <em>H. caspia </em>(9.81%) and <em> ridibundus </em>(8.99%).</p> <p> </p>Tahira AkramRazia SultanaAlia Bano Munshi Hina AhsanMuhammad Haseeb-ur-RehmanAyesha Jamal Zaidi
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