Kernel Size in Relation to Hardness Score and Other Physicochemical Characteristics of Wheat


  • Saqib Arif Grain Quality Testing Laboratory, SARC, PARC, Karachi University Campus, Karachi- 75270, Pakistan
  • Mubarik Ahmad Grain Quality Testing Laboratory, SARC, PARC, Karachi University Campus, Karachi- 75270, Pakistan
  • Abid Hasnain Depa1tment of Food Science and Technology, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270 , Pakistan saq
  • Amir Khan Grain Quality Testing Laboratory, SARC, PARC, Karachi University Campus, Karachi- 75270, Pakistan
  • Amin Ahmed Grain Quality Testing Laboratory, SARC, PARC, Karachi University Campus, Karachi- 75270, Pakistan


wheat kernel si ze, h ardness score, gl uten i ndex, protei n content


 Twelve Pakistani wheat cul ti vars were studied for the effect of kernel size on the physicochemical characteri stics. Thousand -kernel weight (TKW) ranged from 40-48.2 g for large kernels, 32-39 g for medi um size kernels and from 24-29.2 g for small kernels. A highly sign ificant relationship (r = 0.650) was found betwee n TK W and NIR hardness score. Shrivelled kernels contai ned the highest protein content and broken kernels, the lowest Other consistently positive but statistically non-significant relation shi p was observed between TKW and the gl uten content No consistent relationship was found between the gl u ten i ndex, th e falling n umber, the  moi sture content and the kernel  size and form.




How to Cite

Arif, S., Ahmad, M., Hasnain, A., Khan, A., & Ahmed, A. (2007). Kernel Size in Relation to Hardness Score and Other Physicochemical Characteristics of Wheat. Biological Sciences - PJSIR, 50(6), 393–397. Retrieved from