?Body Length Versus Skeleton, Otolith and Body Weight Relationships of a Soleid Fish, Euryglossa Orientalis (BL. & SCHN.) from Karachi Coast


  • S. M. SHAMSUL HODA Department of Zoology, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Pakistan


Euryglossa orienta lis, Skeleton, Otolith, . Length-weight relationships.


The regression equations were determined by the least
square method: Y = a + b X or log Y = log a + b log X (a,
intercept; b, slope). The significance of variation in the esti-
mate of slope 'b' from the estimated value B (=3) for an ideal
fish was tested by t-test at 0.05 confidence limit (CL) [10].



How to Cite

HODA, S. M. S. (1996). ?Body Length Versus Skeleton, Otolith and Body Weight Relationships of a Soleid Fish, Euryglossa Orientalis (BL. & SCHN.) from Karachi Coast. Biological Sciences - PJSIR, 39(5-8), 151–153. Retrieved from http://v2.pjsir.org/index.php/biological-sciences/article/view/2395