Level of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Shellfisheries and Flounder Eggs at Virgin ia Beach Using Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion


  • Hina A. Siddiqi * Centre of Environmental Studies, PCSIR Laboratories Complex , Ka rachi -75280 , Pakista n
  • Alia B. Munshi Department of Civil and En vironmental Engineering, 417 Durham Ha ll (0246), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 , USA
  • Gregory D . Iloardman Department of Civil and En vironmental Engineering, 417 Durham Ha ll (0246), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 , USA
  • George J. Filck cDepa11ment of Food Science Technology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA


endocri ne disrupti ng chem icals; organoch l ori ne pesticides; pol ych l ori n ated bi phen yls; shellfi shes; flounder eggs


Concentrations of pol ych lori natcd bi phen yls (PCBs) a nd organoch lori ne pesticid es (OCPs) i n c l ud i n g IDDTs, Ich lordanes, IBHCs, dield ri n , heptach l or epoxide etc were measu red i n the tissues of di fferent sh e l l fishes and flou nder eggs of Ri ver James at Vi rgi n ia Coast, USA. PCBs were th e most predomi nant contam i n ants, fol l owed by Ich lordanes, IB!-1 Cs, IDDTs, and other OCPs. Concentration of OCPs decreased by an order of magn i tude during the   l ast decades i n th is region; nevertheless, the concentration of PCBs and OCPs i n sh el l fishes arc sti l l elevated. Concen­ trations of organoch lori nes were h igh ly correl ated wi th one another, and were in the range of a few to several ng/ g on a wet wei ght basis. I n the tissue of sh e l l  fishes, th e sum of IOCPs ranged  from 1 93.5-665.53 ng/ g, predom i  nated  by  Ich lordanes. IPCB h ad an overal l  range of 287. 7-28207.9  ng/g and were pred omi n ated by IAroc l or 1 248.





How to Cite

Siddiqi, H. . A., Munshi, A. . B., D, G., & Filck, G. . J. (2007). Level of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Shellfisheries and Flounder Eggs at Virgin ia Beach Using Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion. Biological Sciences - PJSIR, 50(5), 321–326. Retrieved from https://v2.pjsir.org/index.php/biological-sciences/article/view/1027