Characteristic Levels of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil, Sediment and Surface Water of an Oil Impacted Area in the Niger Delta


  • C.M.A. Iwegbue "* a Department of Chemistry, Delta State University, P.M.B. 1, Abraka, Nigeria b Hydrobiology Unit, Department of Zoology, Delta State University, PM.B. 1, Abraka, N i geria
  • G.E. Nwajei a Department of Chemistry, Delta State University, P.M.B. 1, Abraka, Nigeria b Hydrobiology Unit, Department of Zoology, Delta State University, PM.B. 1, Abraka, N i geria
  • F.O. Arimoro a Department of Chemistry, Delta State University, P.M.B. 1, Abraka, Nigeria b Hydrobiology Unit, Department of Zoology, Delta State University, PM.B. 1, Abraka, N i geria


petrol eum h yd rocarbons, soi l , sed i m ent, su rface water, oi l spi l l , N i ger del ta


Soi l , bottom  sed i m ents and su rface water were co ll ected at severa l po i nts i n A bal agada-A boh area i n th e N i ger del t a, N i geri a, t h at h ad prev i ousl y recei ved spi ll ed crude oi l. Th e sampl es were anal yzed for tot a l petroleum  h ydrocarbo n conten ts. Petrol eum h ydroca rbon con cen trati ons vari ed sign i fican t l y amon g va riou s en vi ron m en ta l m at rices. Th e con cen­ trat ions ranged w i del y between 2.80-785.6 mg/ kg, 2.84-804.74 mg/k g, 0.30-865.64 mg/kg and O 03-22.99 mg/kg for su r face water, sed i m en t s, topso i l  and  subsoi l , respectivel y.  The  sampl es sh owed  e l evated  con centration s of h yd rocarbon  w h en compared to t h e control  si te.




How to Cite

Iwegbue, C., Nwajei, G., & Arimoro, F. (2007). Characteristic Levels of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil, Sediment and Surface Water of an Oil Impacted Area in the Niger Delta. Biological Sciences - PJSIR, 50(4), 247–250. Retrieved from