Antibacterial and Antifungal Screening of the Root Extracts of Nardostachys}atamansi


  • Tehmina Sohail Phannaceutical Research Centre, PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi- 75280, Pakistan
  • Hina Imran Phannaceutical Research Centre, PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi- 75280, Pakistan
  • Sohail Shaukat Dr . Panjwani Centre for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research , International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Pakistan
  • Atiq-ur- Rahman Phannaceutical Research Centre, PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi- 75280, Pakistan


: Nardoslachys jatamansi , anti bacterial activity, antifungal acti vity, root extract


 A nti microbi al activity of ethanol, eth y l acetate and hex ane extracts of Nardos/achys jalaman si roots were stu died in  vilro again st si x  path ogen i c gram  pos i tive  bacteria ( Slayphylococcu aureus, Slreplococcus  in/ermedius, S faecalis,  Ba cillus pumilus B. cereus,  B. sublilus),  six gram  negative bacteri a ( Escherichia  coliSalmonella  typhi,  S paralyphi  B, Klebsiella pn eumo11iae, Proteus  mirabilus,  Slzigella jlexneri )  and  five  fu ngi  (Trichophylon  rubru111, T schoenleinii, Aspe rgillus 11ige1; Candida albicans, C glabrata ) . Ethanol ic root extract ex hi bited max i mum antimicro­ bial activ i ty aga i n st al l the tested bacteria and fu ngi , at concentrations of 5, I O and 20 mg/ ml as compared to ethyl acetate an d hexane extract, wh ich d id not show marked activity. A n ti m icrobia l acti vity was com pared wi th the acti vi ties of standard anti bacteria l and an tifu n gal d rugs, name l y Am pic i l l i n and Nystati n , respectivel y. Th e m i n i mu m i n h i bi tory con centrations (MIC) were between 0.5- 1 mg/ ml agai nst a ll the stud ied microor ganisms.




How to Cite

Sohail, T., Imran, H., Shaukat Dr, S., & Rahman, A.- ur-. (2007). Antibacterial and Antifungal Screening of the Root Extracts of Nardostachys}atamansi. Biological Sciences - PJSIR, 50(4), 261–265. Retrieved from

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