composition of cotyledons and primary roots of Citrullus vulgaris seeds when germinated at 30°C in the dark. The studies at different stages of germination help to understand the biosynthesis of lipids and the natural pathway of the formation of fatty aci


  • M. AKHTAR JAVED PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Lahore-54600, Pakistan
  • M.Y. RAIE PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Lahore-54600, Pakistan
  • HAIDER ALI PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Lahore-54600, Pakistan


Citrullus vulgaris, Germinations, Lipids.


The lipid content of primary roots (10, 20, and 30 mm)
and the respective cotyledons were determined according to
Folch's method [7,8] (Table I) and the lipids were classified
into neutral and polar lipids by TLC [9,10] using different
solvent systems (Table 2).



How to Cite

JAVED , M. A., RAIE, . M. ., & ALI, H. . (2022). composition of cotyledons and primary roots of Citrullus vulgaris seeds when germinated at 30°C in the dark. The studies at different stages of germination help to understand the biosynthesis of lipids and the natural pathway of the formation of fatty aci. Biological Sciences - PJSIR, 37(12), 544–546. Retrieved from